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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

.......Define an 'angel'.......

According to wikipedia.....

An angel is a supernatural being found in many religions. In scripture, they typically act as messengers, as held by the three prominent monotheistic faiths, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

To me....I kinda like the definition of angel based on the character played by David Boreanaz in the TV series Angel is the best.

In the show, he playes a vampire (Angel) which has his souled returned to him as a punishment for all the sins he did. After getting his soul back, Angel have emotions and feelings hence could no longer do all the sin he did as a vampire. Instead he choose to banish demons and help those he love.

The definition of 'Angel' here is a person who has sinned a lot in his past....but have now felt remorse and regret his actions. He can never hide his past....while try to make ammends for all the sins he had committed.

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